Tuesday 9 December 2008

Sunday 9 November 2008

After Dark

"But why should you be interested in me?"
"Good question. I can't explain it myself right this second. But maybe – just maybe – if we start getting together and talking, after a while something like Francis Lai's soundtrack music will start playing in the background, and a whole slew of concrete reasons why I'm interested in you will line up out of nowhere. With luck, it might even snow for us."

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Half day

I am sitting at my desk. With half a nutrigrain (breakfast), half a bag of crisps and half a sandwich (lunch). It is shaping up to be a pretty wasteful day.


Saturday 27 September 2008

My favourite part of the evening...

Yoots in alleyway: Yeah, you wanna get stabbed? I'll stab you in the heart
Nu Goff: [laughs into his bagel]
Emma: If I run now, I'll get indigestion
Lucy: I was actually scared by that

Tuesday 23 September 2008


Things in Amsterdam that are more expensive than you'd expect:

Things in Amsterdam that are about the same price as here:
Vintage clothes
Concert tickets
Zoo admission

Things that are cheap in Amsterdam:
Train travel

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Vile Bodies

'The effects of their drinks had now entered on that secondary stage, vividly described in temperance hand-books, when the momentary illusion of well-being and exhilaration gives place to melancholy, indigestion and moral decay'.

'He did this with a man called Ginger'.

Bright Lights, Big City

'This cousin had a girlfriend with cheekbones to break your heart, and you knew she was the real thing when she steadfastly refused to acknowledge your presence. She possessed secrets - about islands, about horses, about french pronunciation - that you would never know'.

'The music is just about loud enough to drive everything between your ears down through the spinal column into your bones, and possibly you can shake it out via your fingertips, femurs and toes'.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Stalking is rewarding...

I found my favourite song for a Wednesday - 
'The cigarette girl from the future' - Beauty Pill.

Apart from that, I have eaten some very bad salad and it's cold outside.

Monday 1 September 2008

Today sucks...

But what is keeping me going? My beautiful sister is coming to London.. for an entire month! If I am hungover everyday, buy a guinea pig, spend my entire rent on Vivienne Westwood boots, call in sick, become terminally nostalgic, swear too much and eat my weight in chocolate this is why.

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Ten points for the Simpsons.

"Got any of that beer that has candy floating in it? You know, Skittlebrau?"

Ah. Yes, very good.

Monday 18 August 2008

Hello Grandpa

Spontaneous haircut excerpt:

Me: I don't like the back, could you make it a little shorter?
Him: Uh.. um, you have uh.. quite a thick.. uh.. neck.. Umm, I think it will be better to keep it this length.. uh.. for balance..
Me: Oh. [long pause] I guess I'll have to get used to it then... Thanks.. I guess.

Later on the way home-

Me: [internal sobbing]

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Work anger

I have noticed that incidences of work-related anger increase proportionally with the number of songs interrupted by phone calls.

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Nicholas' dads' salad

1 tin of tuna in sunflower oil
salad potatoes
mixed olives with garlic and chilli
4 eggs
yellow peppers

Boil potatoes, and hard-boil eggs. Add to salad. Enjoy with diet coke. Serves 4.

That is how I made the salad. But in all honesty - I forgot the capers.

Thursday 29 May 2008

Holy Crappoli

I made BLOG. Well, Nu Goff made me a blog. Bear-iffic.